プロデューサー / 映像ディレクター/ スクリプター
・WOWOWオリジナルアニメ「火狩りの王」第1シーズン・第2シーズン PV、ダイジェスト動画
・ユニクロ「原宿店」「PARK横浜ベイサイド店」「TOKYO店」「UNIQLO GINZA ReOPEN」プロモーション映像
・RICOH「プロダクションプリンター RICOH Proシリーズ」プロモーション映像
・目白大学「さいたま岩槻キャンパス:スペシャルムービー2022 – 未来につながるON/ OFF」
・目白大学「さいたま岩槻キャンパス:スペシャルムービー – 未来につなげる『チーム医療演習』」
・LiSA LIVE「LiVE is Smile Always ~今日もいい日だっ~ in 日本武道館」
・Aimer LIVE「Aimer Live in 武道館 “blanc et noir” BD/DVD」
・Aimer LIVE「Aimer special concert with スロヴァキア国立放送交響楽団 “ARIA STRINGS” BD/DVD」
・ベネッセ「しまじろう英語コンサート」(2019 ~ 2023)
・M-ON! 「リスアニ!TV」
・Amazon prime「あつまれ!アマゾンキッズ しまじろうとあそぼう!」
・中川翔子 MV「ドリドリ」
・SKY-HI MV「Double Down」
・パスピエ MV「メーデー」
・こぶしファクトリーMV「Oh No 懊悩/ハルウララ」
・綾野ましろMV「Get Over」
・井口裕香 MV(2015-2019)
Producer / Movie Director / Scripter
A student who loved music and played the guitar as a hobby.
He was supposed to go to college to study sound, but he became fascinated with the world of video and started to study mainly video and sound.
After graduation, he narrowed his focus to video and joined biogon pictures in 2014.
TV, an anime music information program”LisAni!TV”, and as a production manager for music videos,
Currently, he is involved in a wide range of activities, mainly producing promotional videos for companies such as RICOH's “Production Printer” and UNIQLO's new store PR videos, as well as program promotion videos such as WOWOW's “Japan Premiere,” which delivers movies premiering in Japan, and also directing some of them.
In live video production, I also give instructions during shooting as a scripter.
Major productions he has worked on
・WOWOW “Japan Premiere” and “AnatanoEigakan” program advertising videos
・WOWOW Original Animation “Hikari no Ou” PV and digest videos for the first and second seasons
・Promotional videos for UNIQLO “Harajuku Store”, “PARK Yokohama Bayside Store”, “TOKYO Store”, “UNIQLO GINZA ReOPEN”
・RICOH “Production Printer RICOH Pro Series” promotion video
・Mejiro University “Saitama Iwatsuki Campus: Special Movie 2022 - ON/OFF for the Future”
・Mejiro University “Saitama Iwatsuki Campus: Special Movie - Team Medical Exercise’ Leading to the Future”
・Anna Takeuchi MV “20-TWENTY”
・Benesse “Shimajiro Concert” promotion movie, movie of the song “Shimajiro
・Benesse “Shimajirou English Concert” concert recording, promotional video, and appearance song movie
・WOWOW “Japan Premiere” and other special promotion videos
・WOWOW “Asiaholic!” Logo, avant-garde promotional videos
・Benesse “Shimajiro Concert” appearance music movie
・Benesse's “Shimajiro English Concert” Song movie
・LiSA LIVE “LiVE is Smile Always ~Today is a good day~ in Nippon Budokan ”
・Aimer LIVE “Aimer Live in Budokan ‘blanc et noir’ BD/DVD”
・Aimer LIVE “Aimer special concert with Slovak National Radio Symphony Orchestra ‘ARIA STRINGS’ BD/DVD”
・Benesse “Shimajiro English Concert”-2019 ~ 2023
○Production Manager
・M-ON! “LisAni!TV”
・Amazon prime “Atsumare! Amazon Kids: Let's play with Shimajiro!”
・Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs “Welcome Message Video for Foreigners Visiting Tokyo”
・Shoko Nakagawa MV “Doridori”
・SKY-HI MV “Double Down”
・Kobushi Factory MV “Oh No Anguish/Haruwurara”
・Mashiro Ayano MV “Get Over”
・Yuka Iguchi MV -2015~2019
・Riko Sasaki MV “Windshifter”